Introducing NEW


For the Medicare, Health, and 
Life Insurance Industries

Kizen is the leader in Process Generative AI, which is enabling the “Self-Optimizing Enterprise.”

The Kizen Platform is built to simplify and accelerate the 
adoption of all relevant AI for the healthcare, insurance, and financial services industries to both improve experiences for all stakeholders and significantly decrease operational costs.

The Impact of Custom Neural Networks on Enterprise Speed & Agility

“Today’s leaders need to be flexible and agile, and they need to teach their employees to be the same.”

Jim Collins, NYT Best-Selling Author of Good to Great


Customer Satisfaction


Employee Engagement


Operational Performance


Financial Performance

* McKinsey & Co. Research, “Enterprise Agility: Buzz or Business Impact?”

Redefining What’s Possible for Enterprise Teams

Our neural networks autonomously learn, recommend, and act in ways that mirror your most valuable team members organization-wide.

Data and automation that evolves with your unique needs, optimizing across sales, marketing, HR, IT, and operations.

Marketing Tailored to Every User

Marketing powered by every data point in your enterprise.

Automated customer journeys that can access, combine, and leverage any data point from any department.

Swift, Informed HR Operations

Discover, onboard & retain talent effortlessly.

Fully-integrated HR administration to hire quickly, automate & adapt workflows, and retain your MVPs.

Data & IT, Supercharged

Create & interact with your neural network visually.

A visual user interface allows non-developers to add nodes to your neural network's input layer, freeing your technical experts up to deliver more value and eliminate time drains.

The Future of Operations

Craft seamless workflows across all departments.

Fully digitize all of your organization's processes for frictionless automation across all departments & workflows.